Filiform wart: eyelid, nose, cause, treatment

Filiform wart eyelid nose cause treatment

A columnar wart, the filiform wart is caused by a subtype of the HPV virus (human papillomavirus). This can be aesthetically embarrassing in the face, nose, eyes or lips. How to recognize it? What treatment to remove it?

Definition: what is a filiform wart?

A filiform wart is a narrow, elongated growth. It is usually located on the face, around the lips or eyelids.

What causes a filiform wart?

The filiform wart is caused by one of the HPV virus (human papillomavirus) subtypes“, explains Dr. Marc Perrussel, dermatologist. There are hundreds of HPV virus subtypes. “Human Papillomavirus” viruses (HPV) involved in the occurrence of warts (types 1, 2 and 3 in general) indicates the site of theHealth Insurance.

The filiform wart is recognizable by its columnar formation. “It looks like small thorns of flesh“. These are located on the face:

  • around the mouth,
  • around the nose,
  • around the eyebrows.

When and who to consult for a filiform wart?

If you observe a filiform wart on your skin, see a dermatologist. “Most of the time, patients consult for other reasons and take the opportunity to show us their wart. This can be annoying from an aesthetic point of view but not from a medical point of view.

What treatment to treat a filiform wart?

A filiform wart can be destroyed by burning its base. For this, it is possible to use the laser Where electrocoagulation: it consists of using high pressure electric current to destroy the cells. However, it is impossible to cure the cause because there is no treatment against the HPV virus.

Thank you to Dr. Marc Perrussel, dermatologist and member of the national union of dermatologists-venerologists.
