fighting between the army and the M23 continues

fighting between the army and the M23 continues

In the DRC, fighting between the army and the M23 rebel movement continues in the east, in the province of North Kivu. For almost two years, rebels have launched offensives in this province. Yesterday, Friday February 2 at midday, an explosive device fell – for the first time – near a primary school on the outskirts of the city of Goma.

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Around 2:30 p.m. (local time) on February 2, an explosive device fell near a primary school in the Mugunga district, on the outskirts of Goma (DRC), causing panic in the area. Two people were injured and several houses were damaged. According to the army spokesperson in North Kivu, the first elements indicate that the bomb was fired by the Rwandan army and their M23 allies from Kagano hill.

The fights rage

Fighting is in fact raging in several villages in the territory of Masisi, about forty kilometers west of Goma. According to Massisi civil society, clashes took place on several hills south of Saké on the Bukavu axis.

Ten deaths last week

Clashes were also reported in the hills around the town of Mweso, this time north of Saké. Mweso, where more than ten people died last week in fighting between the army and local militia on one side and M23 rebels on the other.

Read alsoCrisis in eastern DRC: Tshisekedi continues his political offensive against Rwanda
