Fight outside the Swedish fair – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet


  • Fight outside the Swedish fair

    A fight between several people has broken out outside the Swedish fair in Gothenburg.

    According to the police, it is about 10 to 15 people.

    There are no reports of personal injuries.


  • Great chaos in Oslo – fights and tear gas

    Police on site in Oslo. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB

    Close to 1,000 people gathered in Oslo to celebrate Eritrea’s national day.

    When a hundred protesters critical of the regime arrived, fights and stone throwing broke out, according to Norwegian police VG.

    Among other things, the Oslo police have had to use tear gas to disperse the protesters.

    The demonstrators are chanting “stop the party” and “stop the dictator”, according to VG.

    – I have heard some slogans, they have also thrown quite a few stones at the police, says witness Anders to VG.

  • Several minibuses blocked off

    The police have cordoned off several places where gas-powered minibuses are parked in Kalmar County.

    “The decision has been made with regard to the events where gas-powered minibuses exploded, most recently in Nybro last Thursday,” the police write on their website.

    The rescue service in Kalmar has decided on the measures.

    In total, it affects 14 addresses.

  • Hardware store bombed in Ukraine – 200 believed to have been inside

    A heavy fire broke out after the attack on the department store. Photo: Andrii Marienko / AP

    A building department store in Ukrainian Kharkiv has been bombed, says President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

    200 people are believed to have been in the premises.

    – We know for sure that two people are dead, says Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov in a statement on Telegram.

  • Extreme poverty affects one in four Syrians

    The economic crisis with enormous poverty is hitting the people of Syria hard, and trade – like that of a shopkeeper in Aleppo – is completely at a standstill. Archive image. Photo: Baderkhan Ahmad/AP/TT

    More than a quarter of Syria’s population lives in extreme poverty, the World Bank notes in a report. 13 years of civil war have completely shattered Syria’s economy, and some 5.7 million residents have fallen into near total poverty.

    The review shows that 90 percent of the population lives in the somewhat milder classification of poverty.

    The World Bank notes that “extreme poverty was non-existent before the conflict” and the civil war that broke out in 2011.

    Extreme poverty is defined, among other things, by a person having less than around 30 kroner a day to move around with.

  • Car fire in parking garage at Hisingen

    Just before 2 pm on Saturday, an alarm comes in that there is a fire in a garage in the Eriksberg area of ​​Gothenburg.

    – It appears to be a passenger car burning on street level inside a parking garage, says Fredrik Svedemyr at the police press service.

    Police and emergency services rush to the scene to put out the fire.

    There are currently no reports of personal injuries.

  • Arguments on airplanes

    Two people have started arguing on a plane arriving at Arlanda, the police say.

    A 35-year-old man and a 55-year-old woman have been taken into custody by the police with reference to the Act on handling an intoxicated person.

  • Positive signals about new Gaza talks

    Palestinians who fled Rafah arrive in the central parts of the Gaza strip. Image from May 7. Photo: Abdel Kareem Hana/AP/TT

    Several Israeli media outlets state that Israel and mediators from the United States and Qatar have agreed to continue talks with terrorist-labeled Hamas on a cease-fire in Gaza.

    At the same time, an Israeli source tells the AFP news agency that the country’s government is willing to enter into negotiations.

    Sources for the Israeli media company Walla state that Egypt and Qatar will mediate in the talks, which are held within the framework negotiated in Paris in recent days.

  • Tourist kicked and robbed on luxury watch

    A tourist has been kicked and robbed of his watch in Stockholm’s Old Town.

    – The plaintiff has stated that it is an expensive watch, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

    The police are now looking for the perpetrator in the alleys.

    – We have a description that we are working with, but so far we have not found the perpetrator, says Daniel Wikdahl.

  • Fire in hygge

    The rescue service has been alerted to Hosbroberget between Arbrå and Nianfors north of Bollnäs where a fire has started in a clearing.

    Extinguishing work is currently underway.

    – It is not such an extensive fire. We can do it with only ground personnel, says Jimmy Andersson Taylor, emergency manager at the rescue service in Hälsingland.

    It is still unclear what was behind the fire.

  • Police are chasing masked man with weapon-like objects

    At 2:20 p.m., the police were alerted about a man who had a weapon-like object in the Stensö area in Kalmar.

    – We now have several patrols out looking for this man, says police spokesperson Evelina Olsson.

    He was dressed in dark clothing, masked and is said to have traveled on a women’s bicycle.

    – We want to get more witness information and if anyone sees him, they are welcome to contact 112, says Evelina Olsson.

  • Woman feared to be still in burning villa

    On Saturday at 2 p.m., an alarm is received that there is a fire in a villa in Hasselfors in Laxå municipality.

    According to the rescue service, there is a heavy fire at the scene and police patrol and ambulance are ordered there to assist the rescue service in their work.

    – It is a fully developed fire. Right now, there is a forecast that the extinguishing work will last for three hours, says the police spokesperson in the Bergslagen region at 3 p.m.

    According to Mattias Henriksson, officer on duty at the Bergslagen police region, a man has made it out unharmed, but a woman is still feared to be inside the villa.

    – According to the information I have, there are two residences at the address. One must have got out, is unharmed and has been checked by paramedics on site, but one person is feared to be still inside the villa.

    There is currently no criminal suspicion in the case.

    Relatives are informed of the situation.

  • One to hospital after multi-vehicle crash

    A car, a motorcycle and an A-tractor have been involved in an accident in Karlskoga.

    The MC driver is taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The extent of the damage was initially described as minor, but is now unknown, according to the police.

  • MC driver to hospital after collision with car

    A car and a motorcycle have collided in Borås, the police write on their website.

    The MC driver has been taken to hospital by ambulance, but the extent of his injuries is unknown.

    The police are on the scene.

    The text is updated.

  • Big haul after drowning alarm – every lawn roll

    During Saturday morning, a large rescue operation was underway around the Nötesund Bridge west of Uddevalla.

    Rescue services, sea rescue and divers have been searching the area during the day after callers alerted that something had fallen from the bridge followed by a heavy splash.

    But what the divers have now found in the water is a larger piece of rolled up lawn, reports P4 West.

    The lawn roll has probably fallen from a transport and down from the bridge, according to the radio channel.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • What happened this morning at the Tumba station? Smile someone it looks like a body on the track and the train has stopped for several hours!!


    Hello! There must have been an accident. No crime is suspected.

  • Why did 2 ambulances and 3 police cars with sirens and blue lights just pass by in Vasastaden?


    Hello! There has been an accident at the subway at Odenplan.

  • Have you published anything regarding the authority for psychological defense reporting tv4’s cold facts for the report on SD’s alleged troll factory?


    Hi Alex, we have written about this.

  • What was the audience score at Taylor Swift’s concert? Can’t find it in any of the articles.


    Hey Lego! We wonder about that, Taylor Swift said on stage that it was an audience record yesterday and we’ve been looking for the organizer all day without an answer unfortunately! Will update you as soon as we know more.

  • Don’t understand what the difference is between SD’s “troll factory” and Aftonbladet’s culture pages.

    Can someone explain how it differs from e.g. Anders Lindberg’s texts and word pooping?


    The difference is that Anders writes his own opinions and signs with his own name.

    A “troll factory” is a hidden organization that spreads misleading information for propaganda purposes – without being clear about who the sender is.

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