Everyone knows it, or feels it: languages are the expression of a sensitivity, of a certain relationship to the world, of a particular outlook on life. In this, they are a treasure for all humanity.
However, France allows its exceptional linguistic wealth to sink into general indifference. If nothing is done, most of our so-called “regional” languages will have disappeared by the end of the century, according to Unesco. As for our national idiom, it is certainly not threatened, but it is often abused, in particular by our collective mania for Anglicisms.
This newsletter therefore aims to support the weaker languages against the stronger ones. To simultaneously protect French against Anglo-American, but also Corsican, Picard and Breton against French, when the latter becomes overwhelming.
For languages to live. All the languages.
All you have to do is take a walk in our streets or listen to advertisements to see it: there are many – too many – Anglicisms in France. And again: it could be much worse. Do you know, for example, that we escaped “land take” for “soil artificialisation”, to “car pool” for “carpooling”, and to “mountain bike” For “Mountain bike” ?
These successes are due to the very underestimated “French language enrichment device” created by a decree of 1972. A device that relies in particular on about twenty terminology commissions, each specializing in a specific field , such as education, automotive, energy or sports. They are the ones who invent, imagine, forge and construct the words intended to enrich the specialized vocabulary, to name the technical innovations and to find equivalents to Anglicisms.
In Parisian-trendy circles (redundant pleonasm?), it is fashionable to make fun of them. Aren’t they supposed in principle to be “useless”? “Be corny”? To put forward only “ridiculous” proposals? Except that they defend linguistic diversity against all odds, which is to culture what biodiversity is to ecology. It is therefore appropriate to pay tribute to them by reminding the distracted of a (brief) selection of their successes:
– “group action” instead of class action
– “helper” instead of “caregiver”
– “biofuel” instead of “biofuel”
– “artificial intelligence” instead of“artificial intelligence”
– “intended mother” instead of commissioning parent
– “hybrid vehicle” instead of “hybrid-vehicle”
Who would think of replacing “shuttle” by shuttle ?
Oh sure, that doesn’t always work, that would be too easy. Support that “frozen cases” have dislodged “cold boxes” and that “airbag” has struck down “airbag” would be to flatter. It must also be recognized that other proposals, without constituting real failures, cohabit more or less comfortably with the English loanword that they were supposed to kick out of France: “courriel” and “e-mail”, “big data” and “big data”, “underpriced” and “dumping”, “infox” and “fake news”, etc.
Perhaps you will have noticed that it is enough for a French word to be well established to seem legitimate: who would think of speaking of “shuttle”, while “shuttle” is commonly used? The problem is that the reverse is also true. Once Anglicism is installed, it is this that seems natural and the attempts to replace it, artificial. “In flux” seems to have as much chance of hunting “streaming” than a star model to become front row in a rugby team.
Hence the importance of deadlines. “It is essential to arrive early enough,” emphasizes Etienne Quillot, responsible for coordinating and monitoring the terminology commissions within the general delegation for the French language and the languages of France. However, it is precisely on the question of time that, sometimes, the shoe pinches. Because the commissions do not content themselves with proposing local terms, they also spend long hours developing their definitions. Being mainly made up of volunteers – credit to them – they meet at best once a month. Moreover, they do not have the final decision-making power; their mission is limited to forwarding their suggestions to the commission for the enrichment of the French language – which entails additional exchanges and, sometimes, many comings and goings. They still have to wait to obtain the approval of the French Academy – which is not always self-evident – then the publication in the Official newspaper. Result ? Sometimes several years pass between the find and its consecration, a period during which the Anglicism that is claimed to be rejected has had plenty of time to circulate… “It would be better if the commissions were content initially to propose a term French and to distribute it as soon as possible. The precise definitions could come later”, pleads one of its members.
A form of self-colonization typical of culturally dominated groups
Other rules determine the success or failure of the company, starting with the use of these creations by an influential personality. “At the end of the 2000s, when a child was failing at school, it was said that he was in ‘dropout’. The commissions proposed ‘dropping out’ and Nicolas Sarkozy, then President of the Republic, was undoubtedly inspired by it to speak of ‘dropouts’. The term caught on immediately”, says Etienne Quillot. The same phenomenon had occurred a few years earlier, when Laurent Fabius, then Minister of Foreign Affairs, had used “euro zone” instead of “Euroland”, which disappeared pretty quickly.
It is therefore essential to convince the professionals upstream, because they have a strong prescribing power. “When Orange or Bouygues send messages to their customers to warn them against ‘phishing’ attempts, this has a double advantage, underlines Etienne Quillot. Not only is the term distributed to millions of French people, but media tend to reuse it.” The phenomenon obviously plays in the opposite direction when Renault baptizes its electrical industrial center in Hauts-de-France, “Electricity”, or when Emmanuel Macron organizes – in Brest – a “One Ocean Summit”…
This is how. In a number of professional circles – the press, advertising, fashion, IT, video games, business circles – we are addicted to “globish”. Without realizing that this is a form of self-colonization – an attitude typical of culturally dominated groups. “By adopting the language of the enemy, the French ‘elites’ hope to take advantage of it on the material level, or to assimilate to him to benefit symbolically from his prestige. Those who indulge in these little games give themselves the illusion of being modern, when they are only Americanized”, stings severely – but precisely – the linguist Claude Hagège. “It happens that eminent representatives of the State judge on principle that a French word is old-fashioned, even reactionary”, confirms a senior official. In 2018, Françoise Nyssen, then Minister of Culture, dared to launch, with the approval of Edouard Philippe and Emmanuel Macron, a culture “pass” (without e). Shocking!
We are far, very far, from the requirement of General de Gaulle, who, in 1962, had written to his Minister of the Armed Forces to complain about the excessive presence of Anglo-American terms in the military field. With his inimitable style, the founder of the Fifth Republic had demanded that instructions be given “so that foreign borrowings are prohibited whenever a French word can be used”. Before adding by hand: “That is to say in all cases.”
Societe Generale: the Executive Committee switches to English
This is the decision taken by the new general manager of the group, the Franco-Polish Slawomir Krupa, because of the hiring of a South African. The official language of the group remains French, however, ensures the bank.
Should cell phones be banned in college?
Yes, answers teacher-researcher Thierry Aimar, who calls for following the example of the Faculty of Medicine of Nancy, which took this initiative. According to him, “it would be appropriate, at the ministerial level, to formalize the rules of an educational contract worthy of the name, associating physical presence and mental presence”.
Inclusive writing invests the university
After infiltrating faculty communication, proponents of inclusive writing are extending it to courses and exams at some universities.
A few weeks ago, justice prohibited five municipalities in the Pyrénées-Orientales from using Catalan as their first language in their declarations and deliberations, even if it was expected that these would be systematically followed by a translation into French. With legal arguments that seem very questionable to sociolinguist Philippe Blanchet. “In the four European states and regions [NDLR : Espagne, France, Italie et Andorre] where Catalan has a historical anchor, it is everywhere at least protected by institutions and often official, except in one case: France”, he recalls.
Breton language: legal action against the State
The Div Yezh Breizh (parents of students) and Kelennomp (teachers) associations have initiated a faulty default procedure against the State, which they accuse of not respecting its obligations in terms of teaching the Breton language.
The ABC of Saber : a news magazine in Catalan and Occitan
There was no magazine in France where one could read in Occitan and Catalan articles dealing with major current issues. This is the ambition of The ABC of Saber, which, under the leadership of Domenja Lekuona and Eric Fraj, offers a site and a magazine intended to offer lovers of these languages ”a real basis for knowledge and reflection”.
More and more high school and university students are choosing a regional language for their studies, or even enrolling in an immersive high school. Whether they are totally bilingual or at the start of learning, they are unanimous: their language is part of their roots.
Strong demand for education in Gascon
A new bilingual site at the Soustons public kindergarten; physics or history-geography courses given in Gascon in the colleges of Amou and Saint-Geours-de-Maremne; opening of an Occitan option in colleges in Mont-de-Marsan, Morcenx and Tartas; passage from two to three hours a week in Bidache… So many new features announced for the start of the 2023 school year in the Landes and in the lower Adour (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) which testify to a real and significant social demand in this area, as underlined in a communicated the Gascon Lanas association, which therefore calls for more resources from the Ministry of National Education.
How to Overcome the Fear of “Speaking Badly”
Linguistic insecurity is the fear of expressing oneself badly. It can give rise to avoidance strategies or outright silence. In her column on France Inter, Laélia Véron reviews the means of combating it, to regain power over the language.
Picardy writers in the spotlight
Jean-Pierre Semblat was recently celebrated in the commune of Etreillers (Aisne), on the occasion of the third edition of the circuit of Picardy language writers from Vermandois. A system launched in 2019 by the Regional Agency for the Picardy language to promote authors who have written and still write in Picard, thanks to information panels presenting their lives and extracts from their texts in situ.