Fierce criticism of beauty salons: “Unserious”

The Inspectorate for Care and Care (Ivo) directs stinging criticism at businesses that carry out aesthetic procedures and treatments.

In an inspection of 33 businesses, deficiencies were discovered in all of them.

“The results of the inspection bear witness to an industry with elements of ignorant and unscrupulous actors”, writes Ivo in a report.

In 2022, Ivo carried out an inspection of 33 operations in Sweden that carry out aesthetic surgery or aesthetic injection treatments, and the results show shortcomings in all of them.

Those who run the operations lack knowledge of current laws and regulations and many of them do not meet the requirements for good and safe care, states the authority in a new report.

Photo/graphics: TT

Photo/graphics: TT

Missing identification

Among the examples of shortcomings that are highlighted, it is mentioned that in 14 of the businesses, injection treatments were carried out by personnel who lacked the required identification. In two of these, surgery was also performed by unlicensed personnel.

Another operation dosed drugs that can cause cardiac arrest in too high doses without the staff being prepared to handle an emergency situation, which posed a significant risk to the patients’ lives and health, according to Ivo.

Other examples that draw attention are that several businesses kept medicines in refrigerators together with food. In addition, a business used an urn with used syringe tips as a decoration in its reception.


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Decision on prohibition

As a result of the inspection, Ivo has now decided to ban two of the businesses from carrying out more treatments. Five of the businesses have been ordered to either ensure that injection treatments are carried out by licensed personnel or cease them. In 25 additional cases, the authority has demanded that the businesses report what measures they are taking to overcome the identified deficiencies.

Ivo also states that the supervision has shown difficulties in controlling the industry because the activities are often difficult to get in touch with and are conducted in places such as private homes, hotels, cars or via various events.

The authority therefore proposes, among other things, that the government appoints an investigation to provide it with more effective methods for reviewing the industry.

1:06 a.m

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