(Finance) – Phidiasa leading group in numerical control technology and integrated systems for the calculation, scanning and milling of complex shapes listed on the Euronext Milan market of the Italian Stock Exchange, announced that it was issued and subscribed by Global Growth Holding Limited – in a single solution – the residual portion of the eighth tranche (equal to 50% thereof) of the convertible bond with warrants reserved for subscription to the same: the 50 bonds, for a total nominal value of 500,000 euros, were subscribed and released by GGHL through the payment of 500,000 euros in cash to the Company.
Additionally, they were issued and assigned to GGHL 12,500,000 new warrants combined with the 50 bonds. The Warrants entitle the holder to subscribe to Fidia shares at the rate of one new share for each Warrant exercised, at a price determined in accordance with the investment agreement. The current exercise price of the Warrants, adjusted pursuant to the Warrant Regulation on the basis of this issue, is equal to 0.04 euros. The Warrants will not be admitted to trading on any regulated market or multilateral trading system and will have a duration of 60 months from the date of their respective issue. As of today, the Warrants in circulation and not exercised amount to 36,687,382.
Yesterday GGHL then asked Fidia to convert 6 bondsat a price of 0.02 euros per share, which led to the issue to GGHL of a total of 3,000,000 Fidia shares which will be directly admitted to trading on
regulated market. To this end, the Information Document referred to in the exemption from the obligation to publish an information prospectus was published today and made available to the public, as well as filed with CONSOB.
As of today, the capital increase to service the POC has been carried out for 7,560,000 euros and may be further subscribed, with the issue of new shares, as a consequence of the possible conversion of the 44 bonds subscribed and not converted on the date
today and of the possible subscription and conversion of the remaining no. 200 POC bonds. As of today, the residual nominal amount of the POC is equal to 2,000,000 euros, compared to an initial nominal amount of 10,000,000 euros (having been subscribed for
8,000,000 euros).
The certification of the partial execution of theincrease in share capital serving the partial conversion of the POC, due to the conversion of the 6 bonds which took place today, will be deposited with the Turin Company Register within the terms and with
the legal modalities.
As a consequence of the above: the capital social of the Company will increase by 60,000 euros and will be equal to 14,683,000 euros and the total number of shares of the Company will be equal to 73,650,171.