FIDH calls for an investigation into the death of journalist John Williams Ntwali

FIDH calls for an investigation into the death of journalist

In Rwanda, the death deemed suspicious of John Williams Ntwali challenges the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) which calls for the opening of an investigation by the authorities. ” It’s a personality that was threatened, that didn’t feel safe “, underlines Julia Doublait, deputy head of the Africa office of FIDH, at the microphone of RFI.

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is calling on the Rwandan authorities to open an investigation after the death, deemed suspicious, of John Williams Ntwali. A week after his death, FIDH and its partners are questioning the official version: for the Rwandan police, this famous youtuber journalist, one of the last to investigate and give voice to critical voices, died as a result of a road accident. road that occurred on the night of January 17 to 18, 2023.

► Also read: Rwanda: the death of journalist John Williams Ntwali raises questions

Except that since then his phone has not been found, according to FIDH. His wife says he spoke to him for the last time on the phone on January 17 in the evening. And, ten minutes after this phone call, his phone was cut when he told him to take a motorcycle to return to his home.

“He was investigating sensitive cases”

This is why Julia Doublait, deputy head of the FIDH Africa office, urges Kigali to shed light on his death. ” It’s a personality that was threatened, that didn’t feel safeshe says at the microphone of Mehdi Meddeb. He has also been arrested and detained in the past. He investigated sensitive cases. The circumstances surrounding his death also challenge a little “.

On the circumstances of the death, Julia Doublait adds: “ It is important that in a context where freedoms and fundamental rights are very restricted, very limited, that light be shed on the circumstances of his death. The story of the telephone, of the call also made and then, it all the same passed, a priori according to the information we have, several hours before his death was declared. His personal effects have not been found or in any case, we have no information on it. For a personality like John Williams Ntwali, one of the last independent investigative journalists in this country, this calls out. »
