Fiaip and Itas Mutua: agreement for consumer protection and transparency in the real estate market

Nomisma Real Estate Observatory in 2023 48 thousand families will

(Finance) – The new partnership between FiaipItalian Federation of Real Estate Agents professional ed Itas Mutual. There Convention provides for the offer of new telematic services and new insurance policies for Fiaip real estate agents. The new professional civil liability and legal protection insurance contracts for real estate agents, as well as the many other insurance offers, will come into force starting from 2025.

Simplification, transparency, attention to new insurance products customized for agents real estate are the lines that guided the development of a new digital transition pathwith a view to strengthening the service and protecting the professional real estate agent and his clients with an eye to the future of the real estate brokerage activity.

The signing of the new Convention took place today at the Itas Forum between the National President of Fiaip Gian Battista Baccarini And Alexander MolinariCEO and general manager of ITAS MUTUA, arrives after the conclusion of a shared process between ITAS MUTUA and FIAIP, which began 10 months ago and which had as its joint objectives on the one hand the updating and improvement of the contracts relating to insurance policies for the professional real estate agents belonging to Fiaip, and on the other the launch of a process that will bring, through a digital platform, more innovation in terms of both process and information towards all intermediaries in the real estate sector.

(Photo: Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash)
