Fewer visitors during Dance Band Week 2023 in Malung

There were 31,879 visitors to Orrskogen’s people’s park this year, which is a decrease of almost 4,000 people compared to 2022.

This can be explained, among other things, by the economic situation in Sweden, which weighs heavily on many people according to him, as well as the rain at the beginning of the week.

– It wasn’t just drizzle but torrential rain both Sunday and Monday. It resulted in us selling fewer weekly tickets so we lost some visitors, but we understand that, says Bälter.

“Securing the future”

However, there were many more first-time visitors than in previous years.

– It is a very interesting trend. For me, it shows that we were in the right channels with the marketing. And it ensures the future. So hopefully more visitors will come to us in the future.

No arrests

It has been quiet during Dance Band Week, according to the police officer on duty. However, they have had to turn away some drunk people.

– It has been relatively calm during the week in Malung and no arrests. And it was much calmer on the last night compared to the night of Saturday, says Jan Materne, officer on duty at the Bergslagen police region.

In the clip above: See what it looked like during dance band week this year.
