Fewer moose have been seen in Dalarna during the hunt

Fewer moose have been seen in Dalarna during the hunt

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screen In Dalarna, 18 percent fewer moose have been observed over the past two years. Archive image. Photo: Paul Kleiven/NTB/TT

The moose population is shrinking. In Dalarna, 18 percent fewer moose have been observed over the past two years, reports SVT Nyheter Dalarna.

– Of course you are concerned as a moose hunter, says hunting conservation consultant Anna Olofsson at the Swedish Hunters’ Association to SVT.

The goal of the wildlife management is for Sweden to have fewer moose. The stock has been deliberately reduced to reduce game damage to forests and crops and traffic accidents with moose.

Something that is now clearly felt outside the country.

During the first seven days of the moose hunt, the hunting team reports how many moose they observe. Over the past ten years, moose sightings in Dalarna have decreased by 22 percent. In the last two years alone, the reduction is 18 percent.

– You need to make an evaluation in each area, about what the moose tribe looks like and what the damage situation looks like. Is there room to lower the moose population more, or do you need to look at other measures? says Anna Olofsson.
