Fewer and fewer customers are comparing food prices – may lead to an increase

As food prices went up, more and more customers started comparing food prices.
Now Matpriskollen warns that fewer and fewer people have started to compare prices – which could lead to a price increase.
– That’s what happens if you don’t buy everything from that trader, then he wonders why and comes to the conclusion that you have to lower the price. But if you keep shopping, price is no longer an issue, says Mazur.

Food prices in Sweden have increased by 20 percent since the beginning of 2022. The price of food was fairly stable during the month of May, according to Matpriskollen’s latest measurement. Compared to the month of April, prices rose by approximately 0.1 percent on average.

If people stop comparing, food prices will rise

According to Ulf Mazur, CEO of Matpriskollen, it is because people relax and are not on their toes as much after food prices have started to fall again.

– Then there is a risk that the prices will increase a little, because that is what happens if you don’t buy everything from that trader, then he wonders why and comes to the conclusion that you have to lower the price. But if you keep shopping, the price is no longer a problem, says Mazur.

In the last two years, household expenditure on food has increased sharply. The Food Price Check calculates that it has increased by over SEK 65 billion, which is approximately SEK 20 thousand per year for a household with two children.
