Fewer admitted to the autumn higher education programs

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

In total in the country, just over 294,000 applicants have been offered a place in the first selection for this autumn’s university educations. This is just over 14,000 fewer than last autumn, corresponding to a decrease of 4.7 percent.

Return to the pre-pandemic situation

According to Emanuel Magnusson, the reduction in the number of admissions can be linked to the pandemic. Then the search pressure was record high – now that the situation looks a little more normal, it is falling.

– Now we see that the admission figures are back where they were before the pandemic, he says.

At the same time, there is currently an increase in the number of covid-19 cases in the country and the world. But so far the plan is for the studies to take place on site and not at a distance.

– Everyone is preparing for a regular return to campus, says Emanuel Magnusson.

Preparedness is firm

During the pandemic, Mid Sweden University had a contingency group that decided on what measures needed to be taken to curb the spread of covid-19.

– Should it be the case that pandmin gets a proper boost, it will be started again.
