This object is largely underestimated in winter. It can make you more comfortable, but also save you money.
From November onwards, it’s always the same thing, the electricity or gas bill starts to skyrocket. And for good reason, this is the period when temperatures drop significantly, and everyone turns on the heating. Keeping a home warm and comfortable can be a considerable cost, especially if your home is poorly insulated. Sometimes, it just takes small changes in the house to make a difference and increase comfort, but also reduce the heating bill at the end of the month.
As soon as temperatures drop, everyone looks for solutions to warm up without blowing up their heating bill. Some install insulating curtains, while others opt for cozy rugs and warm throws. But few people think about this simple, affordable solution, which is particularly useful for conserving heat and reducing energy costs in winter.
Often considered decorative, the bottom of the door nevertheless has a completely different use. Its insulating function is really effective in saving energy. This small device, as discreet as it is effective, attaches under the door and prevents drafts and cold outside air from infiltrating, while retaining the heat already present in the room. Few people use them, yet they really make a difference, particularly for older homes or poorly insulated homes where the entrance and interior doors often let in drafts.

According to ADEME (Agency for the Environment and Energy Management), approximately 20 to 25% of heat loss in a house passes through doors and windows. By using a door bottom, we limit hot air leaks and thus improve the energy efficiency of the fireplace. By limiting drafts, we reduce the need to increase the heating, which translates into direct savings on the energy bill.
For an average cost of just a few euros, the door sweep is a profitable investment. Compared to other insulation solutions, it requires no work or expertise to install. Some models are self-adhesive, others simply fit by sliding under the door. The energy savings obtained often make this purchase profitable in just one winter.
This is really the simplest and cheapest solution to block this cold air entry into a home. For even more comfort, you can also install a curtain rod in front of your front door, and hang an insulating thermal curtain there. It will reinforce the insulating action of the door bottom.