Few people use it, but it is in almost every freezer and it is really useful

It is found in almost all freezers Few people know

It is shaped like a valve or a funnel and is very practical, but manufacturers rarely explain how to use it.

Have you ever noticed that your freezer has some sort of valve or funnel at the bottom of the unit? This element is actually a very practical aid for defrosting your freezer. How to use it? To defrost your appliance, empty all drawers, open the door, then unplug it so it stops working. At this point, some people leave the freezer in so all the water melts. This is where the valve or funnel will be used. It must be opened or taken out when the defrosting process begins. Its location and appearance vary depending on the freezer model, so you can look it up yourself or consult the manual. Once the drawers are removed you should be able to see it with no problem.

Place a container underneath. An oven tray is ideal because it can partially fit under the freezer. However, protect the freezer threshold with a towel to prevent water from spilling onto the floor of the room. When all the ice has melted, wash the inside of the freezer with dishwashing liquid and replace the drawers. Plug the device back in once everything is completely dry. So you have effectively defrosted your freezer, preparing it for the months to come.

© Ирина Швейн- stock.adobe.com

Why defrost the freezer? The freezer drawers don’t close properly and you see thick ice on the walls? It’s time to defrost the appliance. We usually do it when something bothers us, but this procedure should be done at least once every three months. Ice-free appliances use less electricity and rarely break down. Less energy means lower bills, and believe it, a freezer uses a lot of electricity. In addition, in a clean appliance, food deteriorates much less and is much tastier. If it’s been a while since you defrosted, that’s a sign you need to think about it.

However, not all freezers are the same. Before starting your cleaning, check if your device has the “No Frost” function. Most very newer devices have this, meaning you don’t have to do anything with them, they are designed to prevent ice from forming. However, if you have an older appliance, you need to defrost it from time to time.
