Few people know, this is what the hole in the cutting board is really for

Few people know this is what the hole in the

There is a cutting board in almost every kitchen. However, what many don’t know: the hole on the side of the board is not just for hanging it. It also offers another very practical function.

For those who cook often and with passion at home, purchasing a cutting board is almost essential. When you cut vegetables or meat in the kitchen, you obviously don’t want to damage the work surface. These handy kitchen accessories often have a hole on the top side. Many consumers use it to hang the cutting board on the wall, freeing up space in the kitchen. This hole, however, has another use.

What many don’t realize: the hole in the board has another practical function that could make life much easier for many home cooks. A common problem when cutting vegetables and the like: Once ingredients are cut, it’s not always easy to transfer them from the board to the pot or pan. It often happens that certain pieces fall out if you are not extremely careful.

This is where the cutting board hole comes in: to prevent spills, simply place the hole directly above the pot or pan and pour the cut ingredients through it as you can see it in the image below.

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Of course, this assumes the hole is big enough. On some boards, the hole is really just for hanging the board and is therefore too small. This way, nothing is lost: everything that falls into the hole goes directly into the pan, and what remains on the board during the first attempt follows during the second.

And if you regularly use a cutting board, remember that it is in direct contact with food, often raw. If it is not properly cleaned, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Additionally, a board used to cut meat and then vegetables, without adequate cleaning in between, can lead to cross-contamination. This is why it is essential to monitor and ensure the hygiene of cutting boards.
