After three years of virtual events, this year’s Festival of Giving went back in time much further than that for its fashion sense on Saturday night.
The popular fundraiser, previously held at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre, drew a large crowd to Sons of Kent in Chatham, with many people wearing elaborate costumes, or simply digging deep into their closets, for the Retro Rewind theme.
“It’s been a long time coming,” festival co-chair Tim Regan said, adding that community support was key.
“We fought through the pandemic years, just waiting for this event to come back. And it feels good.”
TekSavvy sponsored the 20th-annual festival, which featured live and online auctions, with the latter continuing until Wednesday at noon.
Local bands taking part included Acoustic FM, CellarDoor and Big Shiny Toons.
In January, the Children’s Treatment Center Foundation of Chatham-Kent announced it was rebranding its fundraising events and that the festival would change hands.
“We didn’t want to see it die at 19 years,” co-chair Chris McLeod said. “We wanted 20 years and I think everybody else did too.”
This year’s proceeds will go to Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario. However, Regan said the final fundraising tally won’t be known until after the online auction is completed.
Formerly known as Access Open Minds, the organization is a walk-in location for youth aged 12 to 25 to connect with mental health supports, substance use care, primary care, housing, and other community and social services.
The hub is located at 140 King St. W. in downtown Chatham.
Andria Appeldoorn, director of fund development and communications, said the organization was thrilled with the support.
“I would say it’s absolutely incredible,” she said. “They have knocked themselves out to make tonight a success.
“We really need to celebrate. We need to come back together and have fun again.”
Appeldoorn added the hub assisted approximately 1,200 local youth last year.
Festival guests, including many who’ve attended in the past, were happy to return in-person.
“It’s fantastic. We were at a few pre-COVID,” said Cory Barr, dressed up as Slash. “We’re glad they’re back.”
Laura Cunningham and her fiancé, Kevin Aikenhead, also went all out on their colorful 80s attire.
“It’s awesome. Everyone is all dressed up and the food is amazing,” she said.
Aikenhead believed the venue was perfect, calling it a great atmosphere.
“We really enjoy the outdoors at Sons of Kent,” he said. “This is more laid back.”
For the ongoing online auction, visit https://festivalofgiving.ca/
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