Fervi, strong growth in revenues in the first quarter

Fervi strong growth in revenues in the first quarter

(Finance) – The Group Fervi closes the first quarter of 2022, reporting a preliminary balance of net consolidated revenues equal to approximately € 14.7 million, compared to € 8.6 million at 31 March 2021, with an increase of approximately 70.9% and marking the historical record of consolidated revenues for the period. The increase is mainly due – the company explains in the note to the accounts – to consolidation of Rivit acquired in September 2021.

There net financial position consolidated, negative (debt) for approximately 10.5 million euros, remained substantially stable compared to the figure as at 31 December 2021 (-10.4 million euros) and has mainly changed due to the investment in working capital necessary to cope with the increase in sales volumes.

The data relating to March 31, 2022 – reads the note – are preliminary data management and “have not, to date, been audited”.

In commenting on the Group’s performance, Roberto Tunioli, President and CEOsaid: “The exceptional results for the quarter show the validity of our industrial model which combines organic growth with a solid increase in activities through targeted acquisitions “.
