Ferry route changes – 4,000 affected

Ferry route changes 4000 affected



full screen The Color Hybrid ferry between Sandefjord and Strömstad changes its route. Archive image. Photo: Erik Flaaris Johansen/NTB/TT

At midnight on the night of Saturday, Sandefjord’s port’s permit to handle ships in international traffic was withdrawn, reports the Norwegian Stock Exchange. This meant that the Color Hybrid ferry, which runs between Sandefjord and Strömstad, had to depart from Larvik on Saturday morning instead.

The revoked permit means that two departures to Strömstad have been cancelled. The ferry that departs from Strömstad has been delayed, and leaves at 15:00. It will arrive in Larvik instead of Sandefjord.

4,000 people are expected to be affected by the changes on Saturday alone, according to Color Line’s vice president for communications and community relations, Erik Brynhildsbakken.

The reason for the revoked permit is that Sandefjord’s port does not meet requirements to secure port facilities and ships. Instead, neighboring ports must step in before a new permit is issued.
