Ferrari, trading on own shares

Ferrari trading on own shares

(Finance) – Ferrari announced that he has purchased on the MTAas part of the fifth tranche of the buy-back program announced on 4 October 2021, from 17 to 21 January 2022, a total of 44,879 ordinary shares at the average unit price of 208.4414 euros, for one countervalue equal to 9,354,639.90 euros.

From the announcement of the fifth tranche of the buy-back program of 4 October 2021 until 21 January 2022, the total consideration invested was:

• 89,936,417.00 euros for no. 420,520 ordinary shares purchased on the MTA
• 5,457,277.38 USD for no. 21,214 common shares purchased on the NYSE

As of January 21, 2022, Ferrari therefore held 10,214,637 ordinary treasury shares equal to 3.97% of the total issued share capital including ordinary shares and special shares and net of shares assigned pursuant to the Company’s share incentive plan.

From 1 January 2019 to 21 January 2022, the prancing horse of Maranello repurchased a total of 5,029,311 treasury shares on the MTA and NYSE for a total consideration of 748,185,998.53 euros.

Meanwhile, on the Milanese price list, Ferrari lengthens the pace compared to the previous session, reaching 199.3 euros.
