Ferrari, disclosure on treasury shares

Ferrari disclosure on treasury shares

(Finance) – Ferrari announced that he has purchased on Euronext Milan (EXM), from 11 to 15 July 2022, a total of 33,525 ordinary shares at the average unit price of 189.5739 euros, for one countervalue equal to 6,355,463.48 euros.

These purchases took place as part of the buy-back program of 150 million euros announced on 30 June 2022, as the initial tranche of the multi-year buy-back program of around 2 billion euros to be carried out by 2026 online. with the information provided during the Capital Markets Day of 2022 (the “First Tranche”).

From the beginning of this First Tranche until 15 July 2022, the total consideration invested was:

• 14,148,687.60 euros for no. 76,075 ordinary shares purchased on the EXM

As of July 15, 2022, Ferrari therefore held 11,141,185 ordinary treasury shares equal to 4.33% of the total issued share capital including ordinary shares and special shares and net of the shares assigned under the Company’s share incentive plan.

On the Milanese price list, today, a marked increase for the prancing horse of Maranello which stores the session in profit of 1.24% on the previous values.
