Ferrari, buyback for over 10.8 million euros

Ferrari buyback for over 108 million euros

(Finance) – Ferrari communicated that he had purchased on Euronext Milan (EXM) and on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), from 2 to 5 April 2024, a total of 27,966 ordinary shares at the average unit price of 387.9549 euros, for a countervalue equal to 10,849,545.70 euros.
These purchases took place as part of the 350 million euro share buyback program, as the fourth tranche of the multi-year share buyback program of approximately 2 billion euro to be executed by 2026.

From the start of this Fourth Tranche until 5 April 2024 the total amount invested was:

• 163,798,675.39 euros for no. 477,885 ordinary shares purchased on the EXM
• 54,391,165.62 USD per no. 140,501 shares of common stock purchased on the NYSE

As of 5 April 2024, Ferrari held 13,835,338 ordinary treasury shares equal to 5.38% of the share capital.

From July 1, 2022 to April 5, 2024, the Company repurchased a total of 2,987,859 treasury shares on the EXM and NYSE, for a consideration of €786,537,719.76.

In Piazza Affari, meanwhile, the prancing horse from Maranello the profit margin widens compared to the values ​​of the day before and stands at 391.1 euros.
