Ferrari admitted to the cooperative compliance of the Revenue Agency

Ferrari admitted to the cooperative compliance of the Revenue Agency

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Ferrari was admitted by the Revenue Agency to the cooperative compliance regime o collaborative fulfillment (pursuant to Legislative Decree 128/2015). This admission takes effect from 2022, the year in which the application was presented, and was preceded by the adoption and validation by the Revenue Agency officials of an internal tax risk control system, called the Tax Control Framework (TCF).

Adherence to this regime involves a paradigm shift in relationship management with the financial administration. The taxpayer passes from a system based on tax audits subsequent to tax obligations, launched years after the end of the reference fiscal year, to a system of continuous preventive controls aimed at resolving potential tax disputes in advance.

“The Ferrari group recognizes strategic importance in the management of tax riskin the belief that compliance with tax provisions constitutes, in line with its principles of sustainability, a fundamental value in carrying out business activity – commented the CFO Antonio Picca Piccon – Through taxes, Ferrari and the parent company Ferrari NV which has tax residence in Italy are proud to contribute to the needs of our country and the communities in which it operates”.
