Ferrand-Prévot and Daudet, leaders in MTB and BMX Racing for France

Cycling Worlds Pauline Ferrand Prevot crowned in cross country mountain biking French

Pauline Ferrand-Prévot and Joris Daudet, respectively reigning world champions in cross-country mountain biking and BMX racing, will be the leaders of the French team at the Paris Olympic Games, according to the unsurprising selections announced on Wednesday June 5 .

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Pauline Ferrand-Prévot, five-time mountain bike world champion, will be the big favorite for gold on July 28 on Élancourt hill. The one who participated in Olympic Games from London in 2012, Rio in 2016 and Tokyo in 2021 has so far failed to secure the Olympic title it is missing. She will be accompanied by Loana Lecomte, vice-world champion, who will also aim for a medal. Among the men, Victor Koretzki and Jordan Sarrou, candidates for a medal, were selected, again a logical selection given the recent results.

Big ambitions for BMX

In BMX Racing, where France has great ambitions, the men’s team will be made up of Joris Daudet, who became world champion for the third time on May 18 in the United States, Romain Mahieu, 2023 world champion, and Sylvain André, 2018 world champion.

These three men were already in the final three years ago at the Tokyo Games, where they missed, against all expectations, a medal, a disappointment that they will want to erase in Paris on August 2. Arthur Pilard, 2023 world vice-champion, was selected as a replacement.

Among the women, where the French pool is less rich, Axelle Etienne, bronze medalist at the 2019 Worlds and finalist at the Tokyo Olympics, will defend the French colors, while Tessa Martinez will be a replacement.
