Feminist NGOs again ask the Constitutional Court to decriminalize abortion

Feminist NGOs again ask the Constitutional Court to decriminalize abortion

In Ecuador, feminist groups filed a new request on Tuesday, July 9, before the Constitutional Court to decriminalize voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG). The activists had already mobilized a few months ago to guarantee access to abortion for all women, without success.

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The aim of these feminist collectives, who are once again turning to the courts to decriminalize abortion, is to demonstrate the unconstitutionality of Article 149 of the Penal Code in Ecuador. This article condemns those who resort to it to up to two years in prison. Because for the moment, abortion is only allowed in the country if the health or life of the mother is in danger, and this up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Since 2021, abortion is also authorized if the pregnancy is the result of rape.

To defend this right, associations in favor women’s rights are based on the Constitution which guarantees the right of Ecuadorian citizens to decide on their health and reproductive life.

Is the argument admissible? The Constitutional Court must decide, but no deadline has been set. This request is important, it allows us to tell the Court that it must take this decision urgently.assures Ana Cristina Vera, lawyer and member of the feminist collective Justa Libertad. Because during this time, every day, thousands of young girls and women are subjected to forced maternity or are forced to resort to dangerous procedures to have an abortion. »

Seven abortions every hour in Ecuador

A first mobilization Feminist organizations had already made it possible in 2021 to legalize abortion for rape victims. Feminists are now hoping for a quick response from the Court.

On average, seven women have clandestine abortions every hour in Ecuador, most often in rural areas, where access to modern contraceptive methods is more difficult.

Read alsoEcuador: Violence after rejection of a law on expanded abortion
