Félix Tshisekedi discusses the security situation in the East

Felix Tshisekedi discusses the security situation in the East

The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Félix Tshisekedi, spoke on the evening of Saturday to Sunday, June 30, on the occasion of the 64th anniversary of his country’s independence. A symbolic date as the Congolese army is in difficulty in the east of the country. On Friday, June 28, the M23 rebels, supported by Rwanda, seized the key town of Kanyabayonga in North Kivu. In addition to this security issue, the president also discussed the socio-economic issues of the DRC.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Pascal Mulegwa

The security situation in the East emerged as the central theme of the president’s speech. Félix Tshisekedi returned to the High Defense Council, convened a few hours earlier, the day after the capture of Kanyabayonga by the M23 rebels.

What is happening in Kanyabayonga, Kayini, the villages of southern Lubero as well as in the territories of Rutshuru, Nyiragongo and Masisi constitutes a flagrant aggression against our national sovereignty and the peace of our people. Our valiant soldiers are on the front line and together we will triumph over this unjustified aggression. Clear and firm instructions have been given for the safeguarding of the territorial integrity of our country. “, he said.

I have instructed the new government of the Republic to invest as a priority in strengthening the State’s capacities to secure the territory and the population with a cumulative budget over five years, representing 20% ​​of the annual budget.

Félix Thsisekedi during his speech to the nation on the security issue

The M23 and Kigali justify the crisis by the supposed massacre of Rwandophone populations in eastern Congo, a pretext, according to President Tshisekedi: ” The justifications given by the known perpetrators of this aggression are clearly without foundation. »

The Head of State discussed the economic situation and, on this point, he wanted to be optimistic. The economic outlook remains favorable, he assured, despite inflation and the fall of the national currency against foreign currencies. The President said, however, that he was aware of the social difficulties of the Congolese.

“Nothing will stop my determination to provide appropriate and urgent solutions. I instruct the government to take the necessary measures to reduce the cost of the household basket and improve the purchasing power of the population. “, affirmed the Congolese president.

On the infrastructure side, Félix Tshisekedi said he was counting on his program “ minerals for infrastructure » concluded with the group of Chinese companies and which was relaunched after renegotiation.

Read alsoDRC: after violent fighting, the town of Kanyabayonga falls into the hands of M23 rebels
