Félix Tshisekedi announces the composition of the new government

Felix Tshisekedi announces the composition of the new government

Almost two months after the appointment of Judith Suminwa as Prime Minister, Félix Tshisekedi announced this Wednesday, May 29, the composition of the new government. This new executive includes 54 members, compared to 57 in the previous one. Some surprises are in store, with a notable tightening of the government around those close to Félix Tshisekedi.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

In DRC, among the two deputy prime ministers who were reappointed, there is Jean-Pierre Lihau. A member of the UDPS, the presidential party, he retains the public service portfolio. He is part of the restricted circle of Felix Tshisekedi. The other reappointed deputy prime minister is Jean-Pierre Bemba. The latter, however, leaves the Defense portfolio to now take care of Transport.

The strategic Ministry of Defense is now entrusted to Guy Kabongo Mwadianvita, former director general of Official newspaperl and also a close friend of the president.

Unlike the previous government, there are now six deputy prime minister positions, compared to five previously.

Several new entrants

Among the new arrivals is Félix Tshisekedi’s former chief of staff, Guylain Nyembo, who takes charge of the Ministry of Planning. A heavyweight in Congolese politics joins this closed circle: Daniel Mukoko Samba. A respected university professor and former Deputy Prime Minister of the Budget under Joseph Kabila, he became Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Economy, succeeding Vital Kamerhe, now President of the National Assembly.

Félix Tshisekedi’s campaign director, Jacquemain Shabani becomes Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Interior, replacing Peter Kazadi. As expected, the powerful Minister of Finance, Nicolas Kazadi, was not reappointed. At the Ministry of Communication, Patrick Muyaya is retained.

Among the big surprises, Christophe Lutundula leaves the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the government. He is replaced by Thérèse Kayikwamba. The other surprise is Constant Mutamba, former candidate for the presidency of the Republic who becomes Minister of Justice.

Read alsoDRC: President Tshisekedi wants to restore order to his majority in the Assembly
