Federalimentare, Mascarino: “Congratulations to Fitto for his prestigious assignment”

Federalimentare Mascarino Congratulations to Fitto for his prestigious assignment

(Finance) – “Federalimentare expresses its appreciation for the appointment of Raffaele Fitto as Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, with responsibility for Cohesion and Reforms”. This was stated in a note by President of Federalimentare, Paolo Mascarino.

“For Italy, for the world of business and industry, having obtained an executive vice-presidency of such great prestige is certainly a source of pride. In the upcoming challenges that the new Commission will have to face, in fact, that of European cohesion will be fundamental to building a Europe closer to citizens, bridging the current economic, social and territorial differences that have limited its productivity. A cohesion – continues Mask – which cannot ignore innovation and competitiveness, which will be the two levers to achieve the objectives of the green and digital transition on which Italy and Europe are called to provide answers in the common interest and which, we are certain, will find an excellent interlocutor in Raffaele Fitto. Having obtained an executive vice-presidency at the European Commission – concludes the President of Federalimentare – it is a victory for Italy and for our country system which is recognized for its authority, credibility and reliability”.
