Federal government says humanitarian aid is ‘flowing’, Tigrayans deny

Federal government says humanitarian aid is flowing Tigrayans deny

In Ethiopia, the question of the return of humanitarian aid to Tigray is causing controversy. In a tweet, the government of Addis Ababa affirmed on Friday November 11 that the humanitarian aid ” flow like never before in Tigray, which the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) denies. All this, in the midst of negotiations in Nairobi between the military leaders of the two camps for the implementation of the Pretoria agreement, which provides for the ” cessation of hostilities “.

With our correspondent in Nairobi, Florence Morice

A tweet by Redwan Hussein, the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s national security adviser, caused trouble: he claimed that ” humanitarian aid flow like never before ” in Tigray, ” including in areas which are not under the control of the federal army. According to him, it would have control of 70% of the province.

Immediate and categorical denial of the Tigray authorities: these assertions are not based on any reality “says in response Getachew Reda, their spokesperson.

It is very difficult to know with certainty the situation in Tigray, which is still deprived of telecommunications. Humanitarian sources say, however, that supply lines are still cut off.

Be that as it may, these contradictory declarations break the relative unanimity that has prevailed since the signing of the Pretoria agreement. Since Monday, the Military leaders from both sides discuss in Nairobi of the implementation of this agreement, in particular on questions of disarmament and the delivery of aid. Scheduled for three days, these discussions behind closed doors have been extended.

Some observers believe they recognize Redwan Hussein’s tweet as a response to a tweet published shortly before by the US State Department’s Africa office calling for ” urgent measures to respect and implement the agreement from Pretoria.

► To read also: In Ethiopia, two years of bloody war
