Featured: The New Cold War

Featured The New Cold War

The Security Conference begins today in Munich. For three days, more than a hundred Heads of State and Government, including the French President, Emmanuel Macron, meet in Munich around the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholtz, almost a year after the start of the war in Ukraine.

The greats of this world, but not only… Daily life Humanity underlines the presence, in Munich, of the world heavyweights of the armaments industry and the chief strategists of the Atlantic Alliance “in an attempt to accomplish” a mission of global public safety », mocks The Humanwho sees, in the Munich meeting, “ the search for maximum alignment of the world with Washington and NATO “.

But in Munich, the street promises to be heard. Humanity indicates the presence of peace activists (…) A large demonstration is planned for this Saturday in the streets of the city. To denounce Russian imperialism, but also that of NATO and the risks of an irreparable explosion fueled by Putin’s warmongering as well as the rise of the Alliance’s warlike power. Activists from NGOs, such as Attac Germany, or the only anti-war party across the Rhine, Die Linke, met there ”, therefore indicates The Human.

In Munich, Europe will be up against the wall. Because kyiv’s Western allies are “ isolated » states, in front page, the newspaper The cross. According to the Catholic daily, Westerners are alone in the face of the Russian challenge “.

Witness South Africa where, off Cape Town, for ten days, Russian and Chinese navies will participate from this Friday in military maneuvers with the South African navy. Being reminded that South Africa is a member of the BRICS, along with Brazil, Russia, India and China, The cross admits that these naval maneuvers are certainly not very spectacular. But beyond the military routine, this newspaper sees something to translate “ Pretoria’s non-alignment with Western positions on the conflict in Ukraine “.

Ukrainian wheat for Africa

Exactly. In an attempt to counter this Russophile manifesto from Africa, Ukraine is donating its cereals. This is the “Grain from Ukraine” operation. Translation: grain from Ukraine. Double page in the newspaper Release. Where it is reported that between December 30 and January 2, 110,000 tons of Ukrainian grain were sent to Somalia and Ethiopia.

Another boat loaded with 25,000 tons left Wednesday for Kenya, report again Freed. And two others should soon leave for Sudan and Nigeria. A humanitarian operation in reality financed thanks to the 200 million dollars (187 million euros) collected from around thirty donor countries. But Ukrainian officials are also increasing visits to a continent they knew little about until now. “.

Detailing the visits of Ukrainian officials to Africa, Freed stresses that the war in Ukraine “ has had an unexpected consequence in Africa, it is this desire to make “common cause”, even to bring kyiv closer to the continent for the first time “. This humanitarian operation also stems from fierce competition with Russia, which is already well established on African soil, unlike Ukraine “, underlines this daily.

For Ukraine, Africa has become a priority “says the Ukrainian Minister of Agriculture. ” Who could have imagined it a year ago? “, REMARK Release.

Parliamentary coda on pensions

Two words, finally, of the pension reform, in France, with the end of the examination of the text of the government, this evening, in the National Assembly, before its passage in the Senate. And for Releaseit’s here ” half time “. Welcoming the work of the intersyndicale, this daily stresses that “ all the demonstrations passed without violence. We had lost the habit. Their unity swelled the processions, especially in small towns “. And for Freedno doubt, the unions “ return to the locker room as winners of this first half. But also know that the second will be paved with pitfalls “.
