Featured: Bojo, the fall

Featured Bojo the fall

Boris Johnson throws in the towel. The British Prime Minister yesterday announced his real-false start (since he intends to remain in office until October).

” The fall “, launches the newspaper The cross. An end of reign in the image of the character, “ buffoon, messy, tragicomic “.

The fall is also the very Camusian formula chosen by the newspaper The world. And this fall will have been chaotic and laborious. Boris Johnson hung on until the end “, underlines this daily newspaper of the evening.

As the newspaper explains The Parisianit was yet another lie that precipitated the downfall of Boris Johnson. The one too many. Last week, Chris Pincher, (Coordinator of Conservative MPs in Parliament), resigned following accusations by two men of sexual touching. Other accusations, dating from 2019, resurface. Assuring at first not to be aware of these, BoJo finally backtracked on Tuesday evening and admitted that he had been informed of Chris Pincher’s background, but had “forgotten” them when appointing him to this post in February “, therefore explains The Parisian.

Alone, abandoned by his ministers and his party, the Conservative leader is paying for the cascading crises and scandals that have diverted attention from his first successes – the Brexit promise kept, followed by the Tories’ best electoral score since Margaret Thatcher, in particular in the workers’ strongholds of the North, remember Le Figaro. All this no longer weighs very heavily in the light of the Partygate »from the lavish renovation of his official residence and the sex scandals involving several of his allies, to the lie too many in the Pincher case “. And all the more so since, as this daily underlines, “in the United Kingdom, we stupidly straddle a principle: legislators must respect the laws that come from them “.

Game over ? Not quite. “ Cunning has turned into farce, notice Le Figaro, the English are tired of the show, Johnson promises to leave. But he’s not leaving – not until he’s watched the battle to succeed him until the fall. “.

Freedthe fight

In France, the newspaper Release is looking to raise around 15 million euros by the end of the year. Information disclosed by The letter a

… and confirmed by the economic daily The echoes. These 15 million euros, approximately, sought by Release are necessary ” to bridge the gap until a return to balanced accounts now scheduled for 2026 instead of 2023 », signals The echoes.

Platini’s anxiety at the time of the penalty

Today, July 8, 2022, it is forty years to the day after the dramatic semi-final of the World Cup, in Seville, between Germany and the French team of Michel Platini. But this morning, in Switzerland, it is also a dramatic part which will be played for the former captain of the Blues.

Will Platini or will he not be found guilty of fraud at the same time as the ex-boss of Fifa Sepp Blatter? A Swiss court will decide, forty years after the defeat of France against Germany. ” If at the time an Andalusian seer had predicted (to Platini) that forty years later, he would have to come before (the) tribunal (…) in order to know his fate as convicted or acquitted (…) Platoche would surely have had a hard time believing it. U.S. too », sighs The Team. But it is so, and this judgment is The most important ” in this case of alleged fraud, underlines the sports daily, evoking “ honor by Platini, in the scales of justice, this morning, in Switzerland.
