Fearful moments in the zoo! Jaguar attacks 14-year-old boy

Fearful moments in the zoo Jaguar attacks 14 year old boy

A jaguar at the Leon City Zoo in the Mexican state of Guanajuato attacked 14-year-old Jose. Jose, who was injured in the attack as a result of the attack, was given the first aid by his family and zoo staff. While the Red Cross teams, who arrived at the scene in a short time, took the child to the hospital for medical intervention, it was announced that Jose’s health condition was stable.


In a written statement made by the Leon Zoo management after the incident, it was stated that the safety barriers surrounding the cages should not be exceeded in order to ensure the safety of both visitors and animals at the facility, and it was stated that the child crossed the barriers and approached the cage of the jaguar despite these warnings. The zoo management also stated that they will support the treatment of the injured child.
Eyewitnesses said that the boy had crossed the security barrier and approached the cage because he wanted to take pictures. (UAV)
