fear of the trace – L’Express

fear of the trace – LExpress

Edouard Philippe is a “Kunderian”. That is to say, he likes to be able to change his mind, convinced, as a persistent and concentrated reader of the author of The Unbearable Lightness of Beingthat the quest for the full and pure truth has all the makings of a chimera. To doubt, to grope, seems to be, for him, a requirement, of the order of those which are not debatable.

In 2020, the Covid epidemic reinforced this idea: we learn as we go. The more troubled times seem, the more uncertainty becomes a precious right. “I have no problem saying ‘well listen guys, it’s probably a good idea to change your mind’, no problem, I did it!”, he boasted at the end of the lockdown when asked about the evolution of his speech on wearing a mask. Since then, the former Prime Minister has learned this to his cost: the words of the day before haunt you the day after. He will never forget the judicial investigation into the management of the health crisis opened against him by the Court of Justice of the Republic. He should have understood everything about this unknown virus, known everything, immediately and without hesitation.

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The times do not tolerate ambiguity or movement.

No one is bound to do the impossible: obsolete proverb. The era tolerates neither ambiguity nor movement. Is this why Edouard Philippe, questioned by The Point on “his assets to confront and hope to beat Marine Le Pen” formulates this curious answer? “I am preparing myself to propose things to the French. What I will propose will be massive. The French will decide.” He who likes to stage a “step back” since his departure from Matignon at the beginning of summer 2020, never missing an opportunity to remind that he takes the time to work, read, nourish himself intellectually, to, above all, not rush but to chisel a vision and proposals for the country that he intends, it is now official, presiding, him the laborious one therefore, has only this vague promise to state? Here again is the explanation of the “preparation” waved to justify not answering this question which nevertheless seems neither anecdotal nor premature: how can a moderate candidate win tomorrow against the National Rally, the leading party in France?

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“No one should have any doubt that [qu’une victoire de Marine Le Pen en 2027] is possible,” declared Edouard Philippe a year earlier. The former Prime Minister therefore does not suffer from the disorder that is eating away at Emmanuel Macron (the denial of reality) nor even from a tendency to minimize the obstacles that may arise before him. The more pernicious the evil that is devouring him, the more obscure also: the awareness of his time, which demands radicalism and transforms yesterday’s truths into lies.

On any subject, ecology, feminism, security… speaking out is risking leaving a trace that will later serve as a tool to discredit. How can we ignore it? The most specific proposal he made – retirement at 67 – sticks to his skin. In 2024 (as in 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020…), we rummage through the past statements of political leaders to exhume a distant phrase or idea that is now outdated and thus be able to cry foul. Accepting that a line of reasoning evolves becomes the mark of the weak-minded or mystifiers. We only think well if we think once and for all. The period of the monolithic begins and with it the era of prudence. Edouard Philippe adapts, who could blame him? On many subjects, the former tenant of Matignon prefers not to leave any clues. 2027, distant horizon. Above all, say nothing, do nothing that could, in a few months or years, require precision, correction. The desire for victory is worth a few sacrifices.
