favoritism for 2 campaign spots? Small lists are on the rise

favoritism for 2 campaign spots Small lists are on the

Small candidates report that their campaign clips, which were to be broadcast on France Télévisions at prime time, have been replaced by those of Jordan Bardella and Valérie Hayer. Pierre Larrouturou seized the Arcom.

2:43 p.m. – Campaign spots: France Télévisions recognizes “a broadcast incident”

After complaints from the aggrieved lists, public television pleads the error: “Indeed, there was a broadcasting incident. The campaign clips of these small lists were broadcast, but not at the right times”, indicates Cyril Guinet, director of regulation and ethics at France Télévisions, Progress. He claims to be “in contact with Arcom” to “find a solution”.

14:34 – “Incredible”: Pierre Larrouturou asks France Télévisions to rectify “its mistake”

“Incredible. For two days, France TV has been broadcasting the campaign clips of the RN and Renaissance at 8:40 p.m. instead of the 7 other clips announced in the Official Journal, including ‘Changer L’Europe’. We have seized Arcom”, indicates the MEP Pierre Larrouturou on

The founder of Nouvelle Donne, who leads the “Change Europe” list in these European elections, reveals the letter he sent to the audiovisual regulator: “To date, we are asking that this error be corrected and that our spots are actually broadcast on public service channels at 8:40 p.m.”, we can read.


2:28 p.m. – Renaissance and RN clips broadcast 2 days in a row in prime time, small lists rebel

Since Tuesday, campaign spots for the 38 lists of candidates have been broadcast on public television and radio channels. On France Télévisions, the clips are broadcast gradually over three slots per day, the most watched of which is at 8:40 p.m. The distribution of lists in these slots was drawn randomly. Except that several candidates from small lists noticed that Tuesday evening and Wednesday evening, the clips of the seven lists planned for this prime time slot had been replaced by those of the National Rally and Renaissance.

Pierre Larrouturou, head of the Nouvelle Donne list, indicated that he had contacted Arcom.

12:55 – In 2019, Jadot took the 3rd place promised to Bellamy by the polls

Those whom the polls predict will be in difficulty in this campaign will be able to cling to the memory of a list which created a surprise in the previous European elections. Ten days before the 2019 election, Yannick Jadot’s environmentalist list was placed 4th, with 8% voting intentions. Ultimately, the environmentalists won more than 13% of the votes, taking 3rd place in the French poll. Conversely, the LR list led by François-Xavier Bellamy, given at 13% in the polls ten days before, had finished at 8.5%. Surprises are therefore always possible… good or bad.

12:16 – What do the polls say for the European elections?

All barometers agree to give a large lead to Jordan Bardella (RN) over Valérie Hayer (Renaissance). On the other hand, the latter’s lead over Raphaël Glucksmann (PS/PP) is relatively small. The match for 4th position is launched between the list of François-Xavier Bellamy (LR), Manon Aubry (LFI) and Marion Maréchal (R!). With always the threat of falling below the 5% eligibility threshold.

11:47 – “Macronism means speaking like the right in Paris, but voting like the left in Brussels”, according to Bellamy

During a meeting in Yvelines, François-Xavier Bellamy did his best to distance himself from the presidential camp and the far right. “Macronism means speaking like the right in Paris, but voting like the left in Brussels. And the RN is empty chair politics!” He said, according to Franceinfo. The head of the LR list wanted to be reassuring about the June 9 election. “We don’t need to arrive first. In ten days, we will have a majority in the European Parliament and therefore in the Commission,” he said.

The EPP group, in which LR sits in the European Parliament, is indeed the favorite in the elections.

11:15 – Bellamy, “a big German sedan” with “an old rusty caravan hanging on the back”

François-Xavier Bellamy’s LR list is struggling in the polls, to the point of not being assured of winning seats on June 9. Internally, it is not so much the head of the list that is being singled out in this sluggish campaign, but rather the general deterioration of the party’s image, which is struggling to exist between the Macronists and the far right: “Bellamy “, it’s a large German sedan, but with a restricted engine, on a difficult hill and with an old rusty caravan hanging on the back”, quips a party executive to Franceinfo. For this same source, the MEP is not sufficiently identified by the French: “He was knowingly kept out of the spotlight between 2022 and 2024. Now, it is too late to make up for this image deficit in two weeks, he remains little known.”

11:05 – Marion Maréchal back at the RN? Bardella and Le Pen brush aside the rumor

Rumors are circulating around disagreements within the Reconquest! party, between Marion Maréchal and Eric Zemmour’s close guard. The niece of Marine Le Pen would she consider a return to the RN? “She did not express this wish to me,” said the candidate for the last presidential election this morning on Franceinfo. “She made the choice to leave the RN and express her disagreements with us,” notes Jordan Bardella in an interview with Le Parisien. But the latter does not close the door to the former deputy: “If Marion Maréchal has a flash of lucidity and she says to herself that our program, our troops and our method have a greater vocation tomorrow to conquer the hearts of the French, than ‘she comes, she is welcome.’

10:45 – Léon Deffontaines “wants the four main left-wing lists to make more than 5%”

The head of the Communist Party list is given below the electability threshold of 5% in all the polls. The one who hit his opponents on the left a lot during this campaign wants to be more benevolent in his daily interview West France : “I would like the four main competing left-wing lists to obtain more than 5% of the votes,” assures Léon Deffontaines. “The challenge of this European election is not to take seats from the left but to add them. If the list that I lead exceeds this threshold of 5% on June 9, it will be five more elected for the left and five fewer elected representatives for the right and the far right in the European Parliament.”

10:24 – For Marine Le Pen, the argument of a “hidden Frexit” is “very weak”

“This argument is very weak,” responds Marine Le Pen to her adversaries who accuse the RN of wanting to leave the EU without saying so. “Contesting the functioning of the European Union does not necessarily mean that we want to leave Europe, it’s ridiculous!” The MP gets annoyed on RTL. “This means that we cannot contest Emmanuel’s policy Macron without wanting to leave France? But ultimately, it is a challenge to the basic democratic process!” She adds.

10:01 – Marie Toussaint denounces “an anti-ecological discourse which is patent”

The head of the list of environmentalists does not hide his concern, while his list comes close to the 5% eligibility threshold in the polls. “Imagine on June 9 the majority National Rally and no environmentalist deputies in the European Parliament, it would be a nightmare, in the midst of global warming,” she declared on RTL. For Marie Toussaint, “today we have an anti-ecological discourse which is patent”: “Ecology would be responsible for all the ills of the world. I tell you, that is not the case. We do not I have no choice but to act against climate change.”

09:50 – “Rebellious France, its policy is to cut France into slices”, says Attal

The Prime Minister attacks Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party on RTL, after the episode of the Palestinian flag in the Assembly. “Rebellious France, its policy, is to cut France into slices, to squeeze the electoral juice from it, and once there is no more, to move on to something else,” he attacks. he. “Today it’s Gaza, before it was purchasing power, working-class neighborhoods, and before that something else.”

“What is happening in Rafah is serious,” admits Gabriel Attal, who affirms that “France, since the first day of this crisis, has been mobilizing to achieve a ceasefire.”

09:40 – “We are the guarantors of the Nupes program”, declares Manon Aubry

On Manon Aubry’s side, the end of the alliance of the left is established but nostalgia is in order. “The last time the left came before the National Rally in an election was in 2022. On the basis of this Nupes program,” recalls the head of the list of La France insoumise on France Inter. The MEP deplores that union was not possible on the left for these European elections but assures that she has “not given up on the idea that the left comes to power” and “that we put the extreme right to the carpet”. For Manon Aubry, “voting on June 9 for La France insoumise means voting for those who will propose union” and who are “the guarantors of the Nupes program”.

09:23 – “When LFI whistles, Nupes runs”: for Attal, voting Glucksmann is “of course” like voting LFI

“What differentiates the Nupes lists in this European election is the color of the ballot paper,” asserts the Prime Minister this morning on RTL. While a few months ago, Valérie Hayer maintained that Raphaël Glucksmann voted 90% like her in the European Parliament, the Macronist strategy has changed a lot, ten days before the elections. According to Gabriel Attal, the socialist list “obviously” represents the Nupes, this alliance between left-wing parties in the 2022 legislative elections, since disowned by several of its members.

For Gabriel Attal, the former members of Nupes are still one and the same bloc who vote in unison “on essential subjects in the European Parliament”. He cites the nuclear integration plan, the asylum and immigration pact and the European recovery plan, texts which environmentalists, socialists and rebels opposed. “And look what happened this week: another heartbreaking spectacle of disorder in the National Assembly by La France insoumise,” adds the Prime Minister, in reference to the episode where an LFI deputy brandished a Palestinian flag in the hemicycle: “What happened behind? La Nupes, including the socialist deputies, stood up as one man to support this deputy and to refuse that he be sanctioned”, deplores Attal , who concludes: “When La France insoumise whistles, Nupes runs.”

Raphaël Glucksmann did not support the action of La France insoumise in the Assembly but denounced the heavy sanction (two weeks of exclusion) decided against the deputy Sébastien Delogu.

09:04 – Welcome to our live from the 2024 Europeans

It is Thursday May 30 and the European election campaign continues. All day long, find the latest information in our live stream.
