Do you want to have the same energy as Fauve Hautot? Discover his secret without delay to be at the top of the top.
Dancing all day seven days a week, is it human? Yes, if it’s called Fauve Hautot. During an interview with 2017 on the occasion of her collaboration with the Kiehl’s brand, the 39 -year -old dancer and choreographer told us her special morning recipe to keep fishing. Know that it is still relevant! Like what, it works really well.
“I am sporty so I need fuel!”she said. Rest assured, there is no need to be active as fawn Hautot to need a boost. Economic and tasty, this famous homemade recipe is preparing in a chrono minute. These are not the only reasons why it also reinforces your immune system, which makes it possible to fight against soft blows and fatigue. Interested? So we invite you to start your day with a lemon juice in a hurry, as celebrity does. “I press a lemon in fresh water mixed with hot water”she says.
Why drink lukewarm water? Because the average temperature makes your digestion facilitate. Just like lemon elsewhere. Indeed, this citrus fruits stimulates the production of bile (a biological liquid present in the liver), essential to the digestion of fats. It is also full of vitamin C. essential for the production of collagen, a protein beneficial for the health of the skin and the joints.
You can imagine, this mixture is too light to be able to hold the morning. Fauve Hautot also has a coffee and a breakfast made from soybeans and oatmeal. The first being an excellent antioxidant which contributes to heart health as well as to the strengthening of the bones. The second being a perfect option to manage the weight and minimize the belly fat.
Thanks to the Dance Floor star, you now have all the keys in hand to get up on the right foot every morning! What if you started today?