Fatou Diome, to help Marianne

Fatou Diome to help Marianne

Living in France since 1994, French since 2002, Fatou Diome has observed over the years the evolution of political discourse in France. She is moved in an essay entitled “Marianne facing the counterfeiters” to see and hear all these voices that monopolize the media scene, and advocate a violent and identity discourse. Fatou Diome takes up the pen and defends Marianne.

A few weeks before the French presidential election, the words “immigration”, “Islam” and “national preference” are flooding the news… They bring in their wake a whole flood of xenophobic remarks that we dare to attribute to Marianne herself, mother of the Republic.

Waves of hatred, which have been breaking for a long time, but never with such intensity.

This time, the Republican boat on which all the inhabitants of the country of Molière, Edith Piaf and Kery James pitches severely.

But fortunately, Fatou Diome has sea legs and in her eyes, “the brilliance of Sangomar’s twilight”.

Rather than sinking, she chose to raise the bar since there is still time according to her.

Fatou-Diome returns with a moving and committed essay “Marianne facing the counterfeiters” published by Albin Michel editions.

Report : The Manif d’art of the city of Quebec, in Canada, celebrates its tenth edition, in about thirty different places. Artist centers, museums, public spaces, a hundred Quebec and foreign creators offer works that cheerfully mix the true and the false. This is the central theme of this event, in direct phase with world news in 2022. Pascale Guericolas takes us to visit these more or less real illusions that we can visit until April 25th.
