Father Vadim helps civilians fleeing the front: “Can’t stand and watch”

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The fighting around Bachmut in eastern Ukraine has been described as the fiercest of the war. Ukrainian priest Vadim Hraptovych is on his way to Druzhkivka, which is just outside Bachmut. He is to help civilians to a safer existence further west and he meets a couple who have just got out of the war-torn city.

– It’s too nasty here and the daughter asks me to come to Kyiv, says Irina.

The war has so far claimed at least 7,000 civilian casualties, according to the UN. Father Vadim belongs to a protestant free church and sees it as a matter of course to help the civilians escape.

– It is so miserable here now. I am part of this country and society. I don’t want them to have to live under occupation.

In the city of Kramatorsk, a bus is waiting to transport civilians further west. Vadim Hraptovych gives a short sermon before they leave.

– God is not like the Russians. They don’t ask if you want it or not, they put the boots on, he says.

Watch when SVT’s team meets Vadim Hraptovych in the video above.
