DNS, Domain Name System It is a group of words formed by the initials of the word. So what does DNS do? DNS allows you to reach the site by establishing a relationship with the IP addresses of the Web sites. DNSIt acts as a kind of intermediary between you and the Web sites.
DNS works with an extremely simple system. The system provides mutual interaction of machines. In daily life ROPE Since the addresses are not easy to remember, the domain naming system is used instead.
The main purpose of DNS is to answer questions about the IP number and domain name experienced on the network. Widely used for this purpose BIND software is used. When the user wants to reach a site DNS Thanks to this, it is easily solved in which area of the Internet a site is located. In this way, you can access in a practical way.
How DNS Works
Server and resolver It is driven by two factors. Name servers retain IP address information. If the analyzers DNS required equipment. In Analyzers; DNS servers and their addresses are found. A resolver is a name that corresponds to the name of the computer. ROPE When it wants to find its address, it is directed to the server.
Internet addresses are primarily classified by country. The TR at the end of the Internet sites in our country refers to this classification. Each country has its own classification symbol. Only the United States exhibits an exceptional situation. This is because DNS was developed in America. The classified Internet sites are divided into subsections such as “com”, “gov”, “edu”. We can summarize the meanings of these expressions as follows:
- com : It is the abbreviation of the English word “commercial”. Indicates websites that are commercial establishments.
- organ : It comes from the English word “organization”. Represents non-commercial institutions.
- shaft : Derived from the abbreviation of the English word “military”. Displays military institution sites.
- gov : It is the abbreviation of the English word “government”. It is used in websites operating under the State.
- edu : It comes from the English word “education”. Refers to educational institutions.
- net : It is derived from the word “Network” and refers to institutions with an international field of activity.
How to Change DNS?
Nowadays, we cannot enter every site with the DNS settings we have. That’s why we need to change the DNS settings for the sites we want to enter and enter. We can do this both by phone and computer. Changing DNS settings is very easy if you have iOS, Android and Windows operating systems, but you can change DNS settings in different ways on all devices.

Typically, users change their DNS settings for increased security and Web site controls. You can change the DNS when you want to reach the website you want to reach quickly and securely. In this way, you will not be affected by possible attacks on cloud storage areas. In addition, you will not feel any performance drops. In addition, certain content can be blocked from DNS records. BTK (Information Technologies and Communications Authority) manages the Internet in our country. Access to websites can be restricted by using the DNS system by court decision.
How to Change DNS on Android Devices?
You can easily change your DNS address on Android smartphones with the following steps. First, it comes to the Settings menu. Then we turn on our wireless (Wi-Fi) connection. Press and hold the name of the Wi-Fi connection we are connected to, and tap the “Change Network” menu from the option that appears. In the next section, we select the “Static” option and enter our DNS 1 and DNS 2 settings manually. After that, just save and close it.

How to Change DNS on iPhone Devices?
In order to change DNS in IOS operating systems used by iPhones, you need to pay attention to enter two DNS addresses using commas without leaving any spaces in the DNS box reserved for a single entry.
On our device, come to the settings menu and select Wi-Fi. Then you need to press the “i” icon next to the name of the Wi-Fi point you are connected to. It comes to the DNS section under the DHCP tab and write our two DNS addresses as, without leaving any spaces between them, using only commas.
What Does DNS Do?
When you do a search on the internet, it is DNS’s job to find the IP address corresponding to this search. In short, DNS is the name of the mechanism that makes this search understandable by the system when you search the Internet. DNS stores all IP addresses. Matches complex numbers to the searched web address. Domain names are in the DNS system.

When a request comes to DNS, the necessary redirection is made to the desired address. In case the DNS responds to the user’s requests late due to the servers, the DNS address may need to be changed. DNS addresses determine the internet connection speed. Due to the decrease in speed, some adjustments can be made in the DNS settings.
Fastest DNS Settings
Cloudflare DNS
Cloudflare DNS, the robust dns server (, is located. With a latency of 14.96ms, its closest competitor is 35.29ms. The fastest, stable and reliable DNS address was chosen by DNSPerf. It gives importance to privacy and guarantees a reliable browsing.
Level3 DNS
As a result of various researches and surveys, Level3 (, is marked in the top 3 among the fastest dns resolutions.
It is one of the most commonly used reliable free dns numbers. OpenDns, (, is a premium dns provider with web filtering and firewall feature.
These active dns belonging to the Google search engine, which many people know by heart, are for IPv4 (, home users can start using it immediately. It offers performance guarantee with high uptime rate. It also supports the IPv6 protocol.
First Name | Primary DNS Server | Other DNS Server |
Verisign | | |
Comodo Secure DNS | | |
DNS Advantage | | |
SafeDNS | | |
openNIC | | 193,183.98,154 |
DynDNS | | |
Alternate DNS | 198,101,242.72 | 23,253,163.53 |
Yandex.DNS | | |
TTnet DNS | | |
Is It Safe to Change DNS?
The DNS addresses in the list we have presented to you are the ones that are very secure. However, changing DNS is not a completely secure process. Unsafe DNS addresses you find on the Internet serve malicious people by redirecting you to different IP addresses.

For example, you might be logging into a similar-looking fake site while you think you’re connecting to Google. While browsing these fake sites, you can get your personal information stolen by being exposed to a trojan attack. Today, when we consider the personal information (our social media user account information, bank passwords, etc.) on our computers, we only trusted DNS addresses or how important it is to use standardized DNS servers.