Farming close to the city will promote local food production in Gothenburg

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In Gothenburg, a project is underway where the city uses its unused land to grow vegetables. The purpose is to increase food production and residents in the city are now invited to grow on the land. Following alarms from the food industry that Sweden needs to become more self-sufficient, the municipality hopes that more people will do as the Alzoubi family does – and put their fingers in the ground.

Yousef Alzoubi and his family started small-scale, and now they lease land in Olofstorp from the municipality of Gothenburg through the project Stadsnära odling. The idea is that more residents in the city will cultivate municipal land that is not used today, and thus promote local food production. The Alzoubi family grows over 40 varieties of vegetables.

– It’s better that it’s fresh, says Yousef Alzoubi.

See Yousef Alzoubi’s plantations and the municipality tell you more about the project, in the player above.
