Farmers and fishermen can soon apply for crisis support

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Payment must be possible from the second half of August. So this should be able to go quickly and well for an industry that needs support here and now, says Sätherberg and takes as an example an animal farmer who applies already on the first day it becomes possible, on 9 August.

She refers to the support that will soon be possible to apply for farmers who have, for example, pigs, cows or sheep. It also includes greenhouse growers. For those who have bird breeding or egg production, it is already possible to apply for support.

Drive on

This spring, the government proposed, driven by and in collaboration with the Riksdag, various forms of crisis support for agriculture, greenhouse growers and fishermen. The subsidies are intended to compensate for increased costs for fuel, energy, seeds, feed and other inputs.

A package was about a reduction in the diesel tax that came into force on 1 July, but with effect from the turn of the year. Another on support for mainly animal farmers of 1.6 billion and a strengthened Norrland support. In addition, support of 40 million was included for increased costs in commercial fishing.

Given the green light

As the government now makes decisions on the regulations that govern the aid to animal farmers, it is also clear when companies can start applying for the aid. For animal farmers and greenhouse growers, the support can be applied for on 9 August and until 20 September.

For fishermen, the search period begins on 15 August.

One reason why the decisions that make it possible to pay the aid are now taken is that the European Commission has given the go-ahead, which means that the aid is approved and judged to be within the framework of permitted state aid to companies.
