Farmer Jimmy talks about the summer at Mimmi’s farm

Farmer Jimmy talks about the summer at Mimmis farm

The autumn and winter season of TV4’s “Farmer seeks wife” is coming to an end. One of the season’s participants was Jimmy Olofsson.

In a chronicle at he summarizes his experience of the program and talks about his summer at Mimi farm and what he brings with him.

Going to meet the male letter writers this Christmas

In his column, he tells, among other things, how fantastic it was to be able to break away from his everyday life and do something completely different.

“What fantastic people you have met, partly the good, happy, pushing TV team but above all all the lovely letter writers. The majority of us male letter writers have a reunion booked this Christmas, so lovely that this led to so many new friendships.” , writes Jimmy Olofsson in his column.

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Haven’t had the chance to cancel

Today, Jimmy Olofsson works as a teacher, so the autumn has consisted of fooling students and not accidentally revealing anything to them.

“The fact that I haven’t renounced myself yet makes me think that I might have an acting career… I think it’s fun to be recognized, it’s especially from the older guard, they think they’re so quiet when they whisper out loud that “It is he from TV”, so cute”, he writes in his column.

Jimmy believes that his time on the farm gave him a lot. He says that his time on the farm made him learn new things about himself.

“On the one hand, I learned a lot about myself and I especially liked how the boys appreciated how I was in a group, that I was the one who saw everyone and pushed when needed, who put words to difficult situations, I simply became a confident person in the otherwise precarious existence as we all did something completely new for us. To be appreciated by men my own age, it’s a feeling that is indescribable,” he writes.

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Words about Mimmi: “My future wife”

He concludes his column by writing that in addition to what he learned about himself, he also learned a lot about farm chores and how to take care of a farm.

That he claimed that Mimmi would be his future wife, he also takes the opportunity to withdraw.

“When I said that Mimmi was my future wife, I was joking, but some people don’t get it,” writes Bonde seeks wife participant Jimmy Olofsson in his column at
