Far underrated mystery thriller that turns its entire plot upside down in the last few minutes

Far underrated mystery thriller that turns its entire plot upside

M. Night Shyamalan is best known for his twists. It often happens that at the end of his films everything we thought we knew completely upside down is provided. The Sixth Sense made film history with its unexpected twist. There are also many other strong films in Shyamanal’s oeuvre.

One of those movies is on TV tonight: The Village. Starring Bryce Dallas Howard and Joaquin Phoenix, the mystery thriller often undersells, not least because it came out at a time when audiences were less enthusiastic about Shyamalan’s films. It is his most underrated directorial work.

  • Today on TV: The Village airs tonight at 8:15 p.m. on Sixx. The repetition follows at night at 12:30 a.m. Alternatively, you can currently stream the film on Disney+.
  • Suspenseful mystery thriller: The Village is one of M. Night Shyamalan’s best films

    The Story of The Village – The Village takes you back to 1897 and is set in a small community in Pennsylvania, where people live in fear. There is a reason for this fear: creepy creatures lurk in the woods. No one is allowed to cross the border or something terrible will happen.

    You can watch the trailer for The Village here:

    Das Dorf – The Village – Trailer (German)

    The village council takes great care to ensure that the rules are followed. Strictly he watches over the community, huh which only increases curiosity: What exactly is hiding in the woods? What’s up with the creatures? Will we ever see them? M. Night Shyamalan cleverly plays with expectations.

    The Village – The Village boils down to a really powerful twist that works so well mainly because Shyamalan got us in front of it makes the world of film understandable. The village, the rules and the residents: through many precise observations, we get to know the characters and find out what is at stake for them.

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