far-right refuses to condemn settler attack on Huwara

far right refuses to condemn settler attack on Huwara

Residents of the Palestinian town of Huwara discovered on Monday morning the damage caused by an attack by Israeli settlers: walls blackened by fire, broken windows and charred cars, but above all, a Palestinian was killed, a hundred others injured . After the death of two of them killed by Palestinian fire, a hundred settlers attacked the small town on Sunday evening. In Israel the reactions are numerous, but, for its part, the extreme right refuses to condemn the exactions.

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michael Paul

In the aftermath of the events in the Palestinian town of Huwara, the United States asks in a message to the Israeli government to do everything to calm the situation. And reactions are coming from all sides. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant sees no appeasement in the near future. It focuses on the manhunt to find the author of the attack which caused the death of two young settlers on Sunday. “ He must be sent to the judges or directly to the cemetery he proclaims.

► To read also: The city of Huwara attacked by Israeli settlers

Benyamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister, asks the Israelis to let the security forces do their job. A call resumed after a long silence by the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir. ” I understand these reactions, but taking the law into your own hands is not the right solution. he says. His party, Jewish Force, however, does not condemn the punitive expedition of Israeli settlers to Huwara. ” These acts are the only effective deterrent against the Palestinians “, even affirms a deputy of this far-right formation.

In opposition, the tone is obviously different. Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz says the violence in Huwara is a disgrace to the country. Labor Meirav Michaeli calls the rioters terrorists.
