Far-right Marine Le Pen plans to march for French Jews – No thanks, say Jewish organizations

Far right Marine Le Pen plans to march for French Jews

Anti-Semitic acts have multiplied in France in recent weeks. However, the march defending the Jews has caused a lot of controversy beforehand.

The leading politician of the French far-right National Alliance party Marine Le Pen has received criticism for his intention to participate in a demonstration defending Jews.

Several political parties and organizations are participating in the large demonstration organized in Paris on Sunday, as well as the Prime Minister of France Elisabeth Borne.

Le Pen also plans to participate, but her political opponents claim that Le Pen is trying to use the war between Israel and Hamas to boost the National Coalition’s popularity.

Crif, an umbrella organization representing French Jews, among others, has also said that Le Pen and her party are not welcome at the demonstration.

The father who once founded the party under the name National Front Jean-Marie Le Pen has been convicted numerous times for anti-Semitic or anti-Jewish hate speech. He has become known for, among other things, the Holocaust belittling the meaning.

Marine Le Pen has tried to mainstream the party and make a break with her father. However, the party’s past came up again in the discussion when its current leader Jordan Bardella said on TV that he does not think Jean-Marie Le Pen is anti-Semitic.

The ruling parties called the demonstration, as France has seen an alarmingly increasing number of anti-Jewish acts during the Gaza war. France has the largest Jewish population in Europe, and attacks against them have multiplied in recent weeks.

The French government has also signaled that the National Alliance is not expected to participate in the demonstration. President Emmanuel Macron hinted at the issue earlier this week by saying that “some” pretend to support Jews, when in reality they are anti-Muslim.

Far-left parties have also added rounds to the controversy by boycotting the demonstration either citing Le Pen’s presence or remembering the civilians in Gaza.

However, Marine Le Pen has attracted the most attention as she is expected to be strong in the 2027 presidential election.

Sources: AP, AFP
