Far From Home was supposed to play a horror cult star Mysterio

Far From Home was supposed to play a horror cult

Spider-Man: Far From Home, the final film in the third phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, was released in summer 2019. After the fight against villain Thanos, Tom Hollands got it nasty villains Mysterio to do, who first introduced himself to him as an ally before he showed his true colors.

Far From Home marks the iconic comic book character’s first major screen appearance. Mysterio was played by Hollywood star Jake Gyllenhaal. We almost had the villain much earlier in a Marvel movie seen. Sam Raimi had a special cameo planned for the never-acted Spider-Man 4.

Alternate Marvel Universe: Bruce Campbell was set to play Mysterio in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 4

Raimi is the director who directed the three Spider-Man films starring Tobey Maguire. After the third installment hit theaters in 2007, Sony was keen to continue the series. Spider-Man 4 was supposed to be horror cult star Bruce Campbell (known from the Evil Dead franchise) as Unleash Mysterio in the Marvel Universe.

Check out the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer here:

Spider-Man Far From Home – Trailer (German) HD

However, Mysterio would not have been the main villain of the film. As in the other Raimi films, Campbell’s appearance would be more likely to settle in the cameo area been, according to an interview with Rolling Stone. Ultimately, however, neither the cameo nor the rest of the film materialized.

Creative differences, time pressures and salary negotiations have brought Spider-Man 4 to its knees. In 2012, Sony rebooted the franchise with The Amazing Spider-Man, kickstarting a new Marvel Universe should be. Two years later, however, that was the end of it again and Spider-Man was transferred to the MCU.

Many years later, Campbell has nevertheless received another Marvel cameo. In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, also directed by Raimi, he appears as Pizza Poppa on Earth 838 appears and is cursed by Doctor Strange, which occupies him well into the film’s post-credits scene.

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Would you like to have seen Bruce Campbell as Mysterio in Spider-Man 4?
