Far Cry source codes leaked

Far Cry source codes leaked

The source codes of Far Cry, one of the productions that managed to leave a mark on the game world and bearing the signature of Crytek, were leaked.

We can say that some games that are released from time to time have left their mark on the genre. For example, the Half-Life series and the Call of Duty series are undoubtedly the leading productions of the FPS genre. It is possible to include the first Far Cry game developed by Crytek among these games. It was stated that the first Far Cry source codes, which were released almost 20 years ago, were leaked.

First Far Cry source codes leaked

The source codes for the 2004 game Far Cry were leaked and uploaded to the Archive export site. When we look here, we see that version 1.34 of the game has been leaked. At the end of last month, while the files were being uploaded, many mod makers started to download these source codes.

Of course, although this leak is bad news for the company, many modders will probably have a chance to work on the game in much more detail. In other words, we may have a chance to see a Far Cry mode with better visuals, skins, maybe new missions and, of course, ray tracing features in the coming periods. A statement has not yet been made by the production after this leak or by Ubisoft, which holds the rights to the series.
