Fantastic Four Filming Begins

Fantastic Four Filming Begins

Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige announced that the shooting of the Fantastic Four movie will begin on July 29.

Marvel Studios’ Kevin Feige, critically acclaimed Fantastic Four announced that the filming of the movie will start earlier than expected, on July 29. The statement was made on Marvel’s official podcast. The chief architect of the MCU gave information about the shooting, which will start immediately after San Diego Comic-Con. This new movie, led by director Matt Shakman, will meet fans this summer.

Marvel Announces: Fantastic Four Filming Begins

“Our director, Matt Shakman, has already moved to London and we start shooting at the end of July,” Feige said. “Funny story, we start shooting the Monday after Comic-Con. We start shooting Fantastic Four the next day. I’m extremely excited because it’s “The characters are cornerstones, legendary pillars of the Marvel Universe, and other than Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and a few fun trailers, we’ve never had a chance to play with or explore them in any significant way the way we’re doing this movie, so I’m extremely excited.”

This new production brings together names such as Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, Ebon Moss-Bacharach and Joseph Quinn. Among the details of the movie, rumors about the existence of Marvel Villains such as Galactus and Doctor Doom, who are expected to play important roles in the Marvel Universe, are also attracting intense attention on social media.

Marvel will share more information and developments about the Fantastic Four soon. The film is expected to hold an important place in the future of the MCU, reflecting the more than 50-year legacy of Marvel comics.
