Fans Praise Final Fantasy XVI’s Dark Style – “It Was Badly Necessary”

With its comparatively dark style, Final Fantasy XVI takes a new approach that appeals to many fans of the popular game series.

What’s up with the dark style? Final Fantasy XVI will be released on June 22, 2023 and will present itself in a new, unusually dark guise. Compared to many other offshoots of the popular game series, FFXVI also doesn’t shy away from depicting brute force and tells a story that revolves around war and betrayal.

In a MeinMMO interview with the developers, Naoki Yoshida, producer of FFXVI and boss of the MMORPG FFXIV, said that the team originally had no intention of creating a dark and brutal game. Instead, they wanted to create a story that feels real and has depth.

However, the game also shows things that, according to Yoshida, people turn a blind eye to in real life. Final Fantasy XVI has therefore received a dark story and atmosphere because topics such as war are to be realistically portrayed.

You can see how dark Final Fantasy XVI can be in the story trailer:

Final Fantasy XVI: Story trailer promises a new mega RPG for fans

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“It makes the game much more impressive”

What do fans say about the dark approach? There is currently a thread on Reddit where players respond to over 280 comments on how they find FFXVI’s “mature tone”. Many fans then praised the darkness and brutality of the role-playing game.

  • Ultima_Key07: “Oh, definitely. It’s a breath of fresh air that allows the writers to not hold back on a theme they want to tell in this story – and it will make the game that much more compelling.”
  • Bmonli: “It was badly needed for this franchise. Longtime fans are older and can appreciate the more mature things […].”
  • doc_nano: “Yes. I like that it looks more mature but not in an over the top way. There is brutal violence, but it’s not presented in a voyeuristic way. There is swearing, but generally only in situations where it makes sense. […] So far it feels grown up in the truest sense of the word, not in the traditional video game sense. Amazingly tasteful.”
  • Hyeonwoon: “Damn yes. I love it.”
  • PLDmain: “Definitely, I feel like they tell a much richer and more intimate story.”
  • MeinMMO’s Community Manager Irina Moritz has already been allowed to play the various demos of Final Fantasy XVI and praised the highlights of the story as “absolutely fantastic”.

    After the first demo of Final Fantasy XVI I was cautious, the second convinced me
