Fans have been fighting for Nazi horror with Nicolas Cage for 15 (!) years

Fans have been fighting for Nazi horror with Nicolas Cage

As a tongue-in-cheek preview, Quentin Tarantino had various fake trailers produced for supposedly soon-to-be-released films at the start of Death Proof and Planet Terror. One of the most popular is actually going to be implemented with Thanksgiving. But for the last 15 years, most fans have wanted to finally see the craziest example on screen: it’s about Nazi horror Werewolf Women of the SS, in which Nicolas Cage plays a uber-villain.

Check out the Werewolf Women of the SS fake trailer below:

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Tarantino fans are clamoring for Nazi horror starring Nicolas Cage as the bully

In the trailer, a Nazi commander (Udo Kier) dreams of being killed by his unscrupulous scientist Dr. von Strasse (Bill Moseley) to create a race of superhumans. When the first experiments were unsuccessful, a group of resolute SS officers took over the field research. And as the Allies close in, Kier’s character still has that legendary Chinese villain Fu Manchu (Cage) in hindquarters.

The clip makes generous use of so-called Naziploitation films that have aspects or Harness aesthetics of National Socialism for horror or erotic purposes. Genre veteran Rob Zombie (House of 1000 Corpses) was set to direct. But in the 15 years since the fake trailer, it has never been made into a movie.

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I still want Werewolf Women of the SS“, one of many fans commented on the new news of Eli Roth’s Thanksgiving.

But what about the Nazi horror film?

Are Werewolf Women of the SS still coming to cinemas?

Unfortunately, the implementation of the popular fake trailer has become quiet. Director Zombie was able to edit a 5-minute version in addition to the approximately 2-minute original video. According to SciFiNow but he no longer believes in an entire feature film.

I would still like to do it but it will probably never work. I don’t own the rights. It would have been a great film, but when [Death Proof und Planet Terror] fell short of expectations in the cinema, that was the end [für Werewolf Women of the SS].

Not much has happened to the film since Zombie’s statements in 2013. But fans should not give up hope. If Thanksgiving is a success, many a locked door could open again.

The 10 biggest streaming films of 2023 on Netflix, Amazon & Co.

In this installment of our Moviepilot podcast, Stream Browsing, we take a look at the big movies coming exclusively to Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and Apple TV+ this year. The result is a list of ten special recommendations.

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From the sci-fi epic to the potential Oscar nominee, everything is included. The talents gathered are particularly impressive. In 2023 we can expect new movies from Martin Scorsese, David Fincher and Zack Snyder in the streaming space, while Gal Gadot, Leonardo DiCaprio, Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth will be in front of the camera.

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Do you want to see Werewolf Women of the SS in the cinema?
