HPS will visit Jyväskylä today
Jyväskylä Pallokerho and Helsinki Palloseura will open their season in Jyväskylä in a match starting at 3 p.m.
Fanni Sinivuori makes his league debut for the Helsinki team. Also below is the line-up of the people from Helsinki.
The Jyväskylä players open their season with the following line-up:
Pitko Neelia Attacker
Salmijärvi Outi Defender
Forstén Alma Striker
Niskanen Katariina Midfield
Paakkari Eevi Keskikenttä
Wusu Anike Striker
Torpo Leena Defender
Karelian Meeri Goalkeeper
Auvinen Ilona Keskikenttä
Mononen Aada Defender
Puolakka Lotta Attacker