Fan project connects the popular games and tests your Azeroth knowledge

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How well do you know the world of Azeroth? Test your knowledge at Where in Warcraft, a WoW version of Geoguessr.

Game developer Kruithne took Geoguessr as a model and created a version for the world of WoW. It’s called “Where in Warcraft” and tests how well you recognize places in WoW based on a screenshot.

How does the game work? You see a picture, you can look around with the mouse and then you have to guess where the place is on the map. You will then see the resolution and see how far your suggestion is from the actual location. If you hit a certain red circle, you are correct and get points.

You have three lives and lose one each if you are too far from the right place. The game may be over after three rounds.

Which place could that be?

Initially, you can also choose whether you want to classify images from the retail or classic version.

The original works the same, only with real locations.

You can play directly in your browser on Kruithne’s website.

Do you play against each other? Yes! You can display the 25 players with the most points by clicking the “Leaderboard” button. In addition to the name and the number of points, you can also see what percentage they prescribed correctly.

The first place is actually 100% correct answers, the bottom places of the top 25 are 95-98%. So you have to be well versed in order for your name to appear in the leaderboard.

Have you tried the “Where in Warcraft” yet? How many correct answers did you have? Did you know Geoguessr before? Which version do you like best – the real one or the one with the pictures from Azeroth? Write it to us in the comments here on MeinMMO!

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